Ongoing shiurim @ Chabad of Teaneck
All classes were in person before the Covid-19 pandemic. As of now, all classes are meeting virtually on Zoom.
To receive the link to the zoom channel or to receive the Shabbos sermon every erev shabbos please email [email protected]
Tuesday mornings 9:30am - Parsha - Rabbi Simon
Tuesday evening 9:00pm - Bergenfield Tanya class for men
Thursday mornings 9:15am - Tanya - Rabbi Simon
Thursday evenings 8:30pm - Monthly shiur (usually third Thursday of the month) - Yomim Tovim/Inyanei D'Yoma - Rabbi Simon
Shabbos sermon sent out every erev Shabbos from Rabbi Simon (until we are able to once again meet in shul)
Wednesday 8:30pm - Chassidus for Teens - Rabbi Goldin
Thursday 8pm - Torah and Halacha for Young Jewish Professionals - Rabbi Goldin
Thursday 6:30pm for children ages 4-11 - Stories of Tzadikim with Rabbi Goldin located here
In addition to the above classes RabbiSimon also does one-on-one shiurim with those wanting to learn different topics or more in depth. We will always make time for those who desire to learn and no one is turned away. Please contact us to arrange a personal shiur if so desired.
If you are interested or have a teen or YJP interested in one of the above classes please contact Rabbi Goldin for his zoom channel at [email protected]